Transition School to Work (TSW)

John Daniels - TSW Teacher

Mary Ellis - TSW Paraprofessional

Leah Call - TSW Paraprofessional


Program Description

   TSW-Transitioning Students from School to the World of Work

The Transition School to Work (TSW) program at Chino Valley High School began twelve years ago in order to move high-functioning students with disabilities into post-secondary schools, a career path, or into the workforce. This elective high school class will focus on career development, employment preparation, and ultimately, independent living. Students gain an understanding of their education and how it relates to the world of work.  Our goal is that each student will explore their areas of interest and determine steps to attain job or college readiness.  Students may sign up for the class as an elective, freshman to senior years. 

The program is a joint partnership between Vocational Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) and the Chino Valley School District. The funding is provided through the division of the Arizona State Department of Economic Security and the Chino Valley School District.  Due to the involvement of outside agencies, parents will be asked to complete an application and provide information to the RSA, Vocational Counselor.  The RSA Vocational Counselor will make individual appointments to complete the intake process prior to the student’s placement in the TSW class. Ultimately, the student will be enrolled in TSW, as well as, Vocational Rehabilitation. To be eligible for the TSW Program,  students must have a documented disability (emotional, mental, or  physical) in the form of an IEP or 504 plan. The student must have a desire to work.

The student will be able to receive TSW and Vocational Rehabilitation Services, provided they meet these requirements and maintain a “C”average.

Students completing the program do so with a sense of pride and motivation. Over 80% of the students enrolled continue on to college, enroll in a vocational training program, or secure employment. The students in the program learn to become proactive in learning and advocating for themselves. They learn how to clearly state what their learning needs are, as well as, their rights and protections under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Students will be active team members during their IEP or 504 meetings.

While enrolled in the TSW program, students participate in vocational (AZCIS) and community college (Compass) assessments in order to match interests and skills with realistic goals. Some primary areas that are focused upon within the curriculum are:  financial management skills, independent living skills, and job seeking methods. Students prepare resumes, role-play interviewing techniques, and job shadow with local employers. Also, guest speakers visit classes to provide information regarding specific career areas that may be of interest to the students.   Students are strongly encouraged to attend local job fairs and to learn how to do labor market research.

Students who are enrolled in TSW participate in community service work.  In the past, students have volunteered at Habitat for Humanity and adopted a mile along Highway 89A.  The adopt a highway project will no longer be available. New community service ventures are currently being sought.